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Hilary's Thanksgiving Meal


Hilary with 4 guys from Penang at top of cablecar ride
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Hilary's Thanksgiving Meal

Bike Ride Dragon Fruit Cactus-Looking Plants
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About noon (midnight of Thanksgiving Day in the States) we rode bikes to the Seashell Cafe on the water at the Mutiara Burau Bay Resort. Hilary had the seafood platter with prawns and crabs on ice. We also ordered an appetiser of 3 seafood cakes that came with a little salad and some pineapple-mango fresh chutney which was delicious. It was a great meal in a nice location and quite different from traditional Thanksgiving dinner in the USA! Then we rode to the Oriental Village where we got tickets to the cable car ride (RM25 each) and went to the top of Gunung Mat Chinchang.